Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human and School Buses

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human and School Buses The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. It is even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs! But how big is it compared to us? In this blog post, we will look at how large the blue whale is and compare its…

Blue whale size comparison to human
Blue whale size comparison to human and school buses 1

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human and School Buses

The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. It is even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs! But how big is it compared to us? In this blog post, we will look at how large the blue whale is and compare its size to things we see every day, like humans and cars. This will help us understand just how huge these ocean giants really are.

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human-How Long is a Blue Whale?

Blue whales can grow up to 100 feet long. That is the same length as three school buses parked one after the other. If you wanted to match the length of a blue whale, you would have to line up about 16 adult humans standing on top of each other.

An average adult human is around 5 to 6 feet tall. Standing next to a blue whale would make anyone feel tiny. Even the largest animals on land, like elephants, are much smaller than a blue whale. You’d need about 12 elephants lined up to match the length of one blue whale!

The Blue Whale’s Huge Heart

One of the most amazing things about blue whales is the size of their heart. The heart of a blue whale can weigh as much as 400 pounds, which is about the same weight as a small car. Imagine standing next to a heart that is as big as a car!

To compare, a human heart only weighs about 10 ounces—that’s less than a pound! This shows just how different the size of a blue whale is from a human.

A blue whale’s heart is so big that a small child could crawl through its main artery, which is the tube that pumps blood through the whale’s body. That’s incredible!

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human-A Tongue Heavier Than an Elephant

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human-A blue whale’s tongue alone weighs around 2.7 tons, which is more than an elephant. Yes, their tongue weighs more than the largest land animal. For a quick comparison, an average adult human weighs between 120 to 200 pounds, so it would take about 30 humans to weigh as much as a blue whale’s tongue!

The blue whale uses its huge tongue to help it eat. Even though it is so big, blue whales eat very small creatures called krill. They scoop up tons of water, then use their tongue to push the water out, leaving only the krill behind to eat.

A Mouth Big Enough for a School Bus

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human-A blue whale’s mouth is also enormous. When fully open, the mouth can hold up to 90 tons of water and food. That’s as much as 15 elephants! If you ever saw a blue whale’s mouth in real life, it would be large enough to fit an entire school bus inside it.

Even though their mouth is so big, they mostly eat tiny animals. Blue whales eat up to 4 tons of krill every day, which is about the same as the weight of a car.

The Powerful Tail

A blue whale’s tail is another part of its body that is very big. The tail can be up to 25 feet wide, which is almost as wide as a small airplane. Imagine standing next to a tail that is as wide as a two-story building. That’s how massive the blue whale’s tail is.

The tail helps the whale swim quickly through the ocean, reaching speeds of 20 miles per hour. This might not seem fast for such a large animal, but blue whales are strong swimmers.

Loudest Sounds in the Ocean

Blue whales are also the loudest animals on Earth. Their calls can reach up to 188 decibels, which is louder than a jet engine! Humans cannot hear all the sounds blue whales make because they are very low in pitch. But blue whales can hear each other even when they are hundreds of miles apart.

Blue Whale Babies

Even blue whale babies, called calves, are huge. When they are born, blue whale calves are about 20 to 26 feet long. That’s about as long as a fully grown orca (also called a killer whale). The babies weigh about 2.5 to 3 tons, which is about the same as a large SUV.

Just like human babies, blue whale calves drink milk from their mothers. In fact, they drink so much milk that they grow very quickly—gaining about 200 pounds a day during their first year.

Blue Whale Size Comparison to Human-Final Thoughts

The blue whale is a truly amazing animal. Its size is hard to imagine when we compare it to things we see every day. Whether it’s the length of its body, the size of its heart, or the width of its tail, everything about the blue whale is larger than life. Even though it’s the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale eats tiny creatures and is a gentle giant of the ocean.

It’s important for us to protect these amazing creatures because there aren’t many blue whales left in the world. By learning more about them, we can help keep these giants safe so that future generations can also learn about and admire the blue whale’s incredible size and beauty.

Here are five FAQs about blue whales and their size:

How big is a blue whale compared to a human?

A fully grown blue whale can be as long as 100 feet, which is about the length of three school buses lined up. It would take around 16 humans stacked on top of each other to match its length.

How much does a blue whale’s heart weigh?

A blue whale’s heart can weigh up to 400 pounds, which is about the same weight as a small car. In comparison, a human heart weighs about 10 pounds.

What does a blue whale eat if it’s so big?

Despite their massive size, blue whales eat tiny creatures called krill. They can eat up to 4 tons of krill a day by filtering them from the water using their huge mouths.

How loud is a blue whale?

Blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth. Their calls can reach up to 188 decibels, which is louder than a jet engine. These sounds can travel for hundreds of miles underwater.

How big are blue whale babies?

Blue whale calves are about 20 to 26 feet long when they are born, which is as long as an orca. They weigh around 2.5 to 3 tons and grow quickly by drinking their mother’s milk.

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